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Mossy Green Kids wisdom:

"We are kind and respectful to all living things, including each other."


​Fundamentals ( Forest School ethos) of being a Mossy Green Kid.


  • Mossy Green Kids spend time outdoors, explore the living world and are supported towards discovering their personal confidence and wellbeing. This is a process of gentle unfolding over time.

  • Nature is the main resource and all four seasons are the rich environment of continuity, cyclical change and evolution.

  • Mossy Green Kids can experience the community of being known and supported as individuals, time and tailor-made opportunity to be themselves.

  • Essential to every individual is the experience of space and time for connection to nature, and to themselves. 

  • Reflecting on experiences and sharing thoughts and feelings are an integral part of the experience of being a Mossy Green Kid. 


A day in the life of a Mossy Green Kid.

Above all, time and space outdoors, to connect with nature and feel the calming benefits, is key to a day in the life of a Mossy Green Kid. Step by step, we follow an open framework where discovery is learner-led.


Exploring nature connections includes the whole experience on any given day of: weather, season, personal season and emotional need. The practitioner's understanding and knowing each child individually, is integral to the success of each child's participation and growth in confidence and wellbeing.


The experiential learning of a Mossy Green Kid is an ongoing reflective process of exploring individual interests within nature, sharing and reflecting at a pace suited to them.


Mossy Green Kids access experiential learning through many choices including:

  • Being in nature for natures sake. 

  • Observing nature, seasons and changes.  

  • Plant propagation, food growing, plant care and harvesting. 

  • Exploring native wildlife, creating habitats, natural art and campfire time.

  • Groups and individuals can experience Children in Permaculture learning, introducing choices and problem solving based on the ethics of Earth care, People care, Fair share. 

  • ​Individuals and groups can experience Social and Therapeutic Horticultural through tasks in growing plants, harvesting food, seed saving.

  • Research into a newly discovered interest sometimes happens.


Allowing the interests of the person to guide learning, creates a bespoke environment of calm, well being and naturally motivated involvement. 




snail watching and learning
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